A new program on Foundation Models for Industry!

Great news: the research program FIND has been granted. FIND stands for Foundation for Industry: Large AI models for a resilient high-tech industry. It is about Foundation Models, i.e. modern large AI models, and how they can be applied for various use cases.

Foundation Models are booming in a wide range of disciplines, from robotics/autonomy, smart industry, chemical, to medical. We are in it for robotics/autonomy, but there are also use cases in the program from other domains that we can learn from.

The research questions are about how you can use general models for specialist tasks (deep learning), how these models can be made robust (limiting hallucinations), and signaling when they are uncertain (uncertainty estimation). Two of the PhD’ers will be co-supervised by us.

Many partners, including UvA, TU Delft, TU/e, TNO, ASML, NXP, Technolution, Canon, Kaiko, PercivAI, Signify. Proud to be building new knowledge, methods and models with this team!

Press release.